(in reverse chronological order, click on a pub to download, please use responsibly) – My Google Scholar page
(*Undergraduate Researcher, ^Graduate Student Researcher #Citizen Scientist)
38. Jeppesen, R., C. E. de Rivera, E. D. Grosholz, M. T. Tinker, B.B. Hughes, R. Eby, and K. Wasson. 2025. Recovering population of the southern sea otter suppresses a global marine invader. Biological Invasions, 27(1), 1-13.
37. Burnett, N. P., A. M. Ricart, ^T. Winquist, A. M. Saley, M. S. Edwards, B.B. Hughes, J. Hodin, M. L. Baskett, and B. Gaylord. 2024. Bimodal spore release heights in the water column enhance local retention and population connectivity of bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. Ecology and Evolution 14.
36. ^Hamilton, S. N. M., M. T. Tinker, ^J. Jackson, J. A. Tomoleoni, M. C. Kenner, J. L. Yee, T. W. Bell, M. C. N. Castorani, B. H. Becker, and B. B. Hughes. 2024. Modeling coupled dynamics of an empirical predator-prey system to predict top predator recovery.Biological Conservation 294:110623.
35. ^Brenner, C. L., S. R. Valdez, Y. S. Zhang, E. C. Shaver, B. B. Hughes, B. R. Silliman, and J. P. Morton. 2024. Sediment carbon storage differs in native and non-native Caribbean seagrass beds. Marine Environmental Research 194:106307.
34. Hughes, B. B., K. M. Beheshti, M. T. Tinker, C. Angelini, C. Endris, L. Murai, S. C. Anderson, S. Espinosa, M. Staedler, J. A. Tomoleoni, ^M. Sanchez, and B. R. Silliman. 2024. Top-predator recovery abates geomorphic decline of a coastal ecosystem. Nature 626:111–118. Featured Cover Article
33. Xu, C., B. R. Silliman, J. Chen, X. Li, M. S. Thomsen, Q. Zhang, J. Lee, J. S. Lefcheck, P. Daleo, B. B. Hughes, H. P. Jones, R. Wang, S. Wang, C. S. Smith, X. Xi, A. H. Altieri, J. van de Koppel, T. M. Palmer, L. Liu, J. Wu, B. Li, and Q. He. 2023. Herbivory limits success of vegetation restoration globally. Science 382:589–594. Featured Cover Article.
32. ^Beheshti, K.M. S.L. Williams, K.E. Boyer, C. Endris, *A Clemons, ^T. Grimes, K. Wasson, B.B. Hughes. 2022. Small scale restoration with large scale impact: seagrass restoration success fosters recovery of key ecosystem services. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 103, e01945.
31. ^Lee, L., B.B. Hughes, K.J. Kroeker, A. Owens, C. Wong, F. Micheli. 2022. Who wins or loses matters: Strongly interacting consumers drive seagrass resistance under ocean acidification. Science of the Total Environment. 808:151594.
30. ^Beheshti, K.M. S.L. Williams, K.E. Boyer, C. Endris, *A Clemons, ^T. Grimes, K. Wasson, B.B. Hughes. 2022. Rapid enhancement of multiple ecosystem services following the restoration of a coastal foundation species. Ecological Applications. e02466.
29. ^Beheshti, K.M., K. Wasson, C. Angelini, B.R. Silliman, B.B. Hughes. 2021. Long-term study reveals top-down effect of crabs on a California salt marsh. Ecosphere. 12:e03703
28. Anderson S.C., P.R. Elsen, B.B. Hughes, R.K. Tonietto, M.C. Bletz, D.A. Gill, M.A. Holgerson, S.E. Kuebbing, C. McDonough MacKenzie, M.H. Meek, D. Verissimo. Trends in ecology over eight decades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. In press. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2320
27. Raymond W.W.^, Hughes B.B., Stephens T.A., Mattson C.*, Bolwerk A.^, Eckert G.L. 2021. Testing the generality of sea otter-mediated trophic cascades in seagrass meadows. Oikos. In press. doi: 10.1111/oik.07681.
26. Hughes, B.B., *B.A. Ali, *N.N. Noor, *S.G. Soto, M.N. Dethier. 2020. Native and invasive macrophytes differ in their effectiveness as nurseries for juvenile endangered salmon. Estuaries and Coasts: Special Issue in Memory of Susan Williams. In press.
25. ^Grimes, T.M., M.T. Tinker, B.B. Hughes, K.E. Boyer, L. Needles, ^K. Beheshti, R.L. Lewison. 2020. Characterizing the impact of recovering sea otters on commercially important crab in California estuaries. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 655:123-137.
24. Anderson, S.C., P.R. Elsen, B.B. Hughes, R.K. Tonietto, M.C. Bletz, D.A. Gill, M.A. Holgerson, S.E. Kuebbing, C. McDonough MacKenzie, M.H. Meek, D. Verissimo. 2020. Trends in ecology and conservation over eight decades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. In press.
23. Whalen, M….27 co-authors, B.B. Hughes,…39 co-authors, J.E. Duffy. 2020. Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. 2020. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 45:28160-28166.
22. ^Rudebusch, J.A., B.B. Hughes, K.E. Boyer. 2020. Assessing anthropogenic risk to southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) for reintroduction into San Francisco Bay. PeerJ. 8:e10241.
21. Wasson, K., ^D.J. Gossard, L. Gardner, P.R. Hain, S. Fork, C.J. Zabin, S. Fork, A.D. Ridlon, J.M. Bible, A.K. Deck, B.B. Hughes. 2020. A scientific framework for conservation aquaculture: A case study of oyster restoration in central California. 2020. Biological Conservation. 250:108745.
20. Hughes, B.B., K. Wasson, M.T. Tinker, S.L. Williams, L.P. Carswell, K.E. Boyer, M.W. Beck, #R. Eby, #R. Scoles, M. Staedler, S. Espinosa, M. Hessing-Lewis, E.U. Rechsteiner, K. Beheshti, T.M. Grimes, B.H. Becker, L. Needles, J.A. Tomoleoni, J. Rudebusch, E. Hines, B.R. Silliman. Species recovery and recolonization of past habitats: lessons for science and conservation from sea otters in estuaries. PeerJ. 7e8100. #Indicates Citizen Scientist
19. Stephens, T.A., B.B. Hughes, K.J. Kroeker, M. Hessing-Lewis, Z. Monteith, M. Morris, W.W. Raymond. 2019. Between a rock and a soft place: surfgrass colonizes sediments without attachment to rock. Ecology. e02791.
18. Lefcheck, J.S., B.B. Hughes, A.J. Johnson, B. Pfirrman, D.B. Rasher, A.R. Smyth, B.L. Williams, M.W. Beck, R.J. Orth. 2019. Coastal habitats are nurseries: a comprehensive meta-analysis. Conservation Letters. 12:e12645.
17. Toft, J., S. Munsch, J. Cordell, K. Siitari, V. Hare, B. Holycross, L. DeBruyckere, C. Greene, B.B. Hughes. 2018. Impact of multiple stressors on juvenile fish in estuaries of the northeast Pacific coast. Global Change Biology. 24:2008-2020.
16. B.R. Silliman, B.B. Hughes, L.C. Gaskins, Q. He, M.T. Tinker, A. Read, J. Nifong, R. Stepp. 2018. Are the ghosts of nature past haunting conservation today? Current Biology. 28:R532-R537.
14. Jeppesen, R., *M. Rodriguez, *J. Rinde, J. Haskins, B.B. Hughes, L. Mehner, K. Wasson. 2016. Hypoxia increases fish mortality and reduces oyster growth in a highly eutrophic estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. 41:89-98. *Indicates Undergraduate Student Researcher.
12. #Eby, R., #R.S. Scoles, B.B. Hughes, K. Wasson. 2017. Serendipity in a salt marsh: detecting frequent sea otter haul outs in a marsh ecosystem. Ecology. 98:2975-2977. #Indicates Citizen Scientist
9. Honig, S., B. Mahoney, *J. Glanz, B.B. Hughes. 2017. Are seagrass beds indicators of anthropogenic nutrient stress in the rocky intertidal? Marine Pollution Bulletin 114:539-546. *Indicates Undergraduate Student Researcher
6. Hughes, B.B., K. Hammerstrom, N. Grant, *U. Hoshijima, #R. Eby, K. Wasson. 2016. Trophic cascades on the edge: fostering seagrass resilience via a novel pathway. Oecologia 182:231-241. Featured on the cover. *Indicates Undergraduate Student Researcher, #Indicates Citizen Scientist
4. Hughes, B.B., #R. Eby, E. Van Dyke, M.T. Tinker, C. Marks, K.S. Johnson, K. Wasson. 2013. Recovery of a top predator mediates negative eutrophic effects on seagrass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110:1513-1518. Fig. 2C correction. #Indicates Citizen Scientist
Silliman B., B.B. Hughes, Y.S. Zhang, Q. He. 2017. Business as usual leads to underperformance in coastal restoration. In: Effective Conservation Science: Data Not Dogma. Eds. P. Kareiva, M. Marvier, B. Silliman. Ch. 27. In press. Oxford University Press.
8. Hughes, B.B. Estuarine & Wetland Ecosystems: the first steps in developing an approach to leveraging existing monitoring programs. Report to California Ocean Science Trust, Oakland, CA USA. June, 2017.
7. Hughes, B.B., C. Endris, K. Beheshti, M.T. Tinker, S.L. Williams, H.G. Greene. 2016. Enhancement of healthy coastal environments by incorporating species interactions into seagrass mitigation design. California SeaGrant Report. Project # R/HCME-18PD. 23 pp.
2. Stepehnson, M., J. Negrey, B.B. Hughes. 2009. Spatial and temporal trends of methyl mercury in California bays and harbors: A bioaccumulation approach to assess fish and water quality. California State Water Resources Control Board Technical Report.
1. Stephenson, M., W. Heim, B.B. Hughes, A. Bonnema and K. Coale. 2008. Methylmercury loading studies in Delta wetlands. CALFED Mercury Project, Task 5.3a.