Diversity statement:
One of the primary missions of the Hughes Coastal Ecology and Conservation Lab at Sonoma State University is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion at all levels of the University. Being a conservation lab situated in a highly diverse community at a minority-serving institution requires responsibility to our mission of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Modern day conservation incorporates the principles of protecting biodiversity, but now also includes the human dimension as a critical component of conservation science. These principles have shown that increased inclusion in the scientific process and resource management decisions enhances positive conservation outcomes. We embrace these principles and strive to apply them to our professional and personal lives here at Sonoma State University. More specifically, we value and will standup for diverse voices from all people from all races, cultures, religions, gender identities, sexual orientation, socio-economic and societal backgrounds, ages and abilities. We not only aim to include a diverse array of students and colleagues in our lab, while also striving to promote their progress and voices as scientists and members of society. Furthermore, we will defend our colleagues from any bullying, harassment, intimidation, hate, bigotry, racism and/or any action that we view as counter to our principles within our lab, University and public communities.
Taking action
Our diversity statement is a living document which we strive to keep current with the changing climate around DEIJ. We act on these goals by establishing DEIJ in our publications, lab, and engage the community with our science. Here are a few ways our lab has worked with the community:
Collaborative Research with Kashia band of Pomo Indians of the Stewards Point Rancheria (2024-Present)
OPC Undergraduate Award & Hughes Lab SCUBA Internship: providing funding and training for two minority undergraduate students towards becoming scientific divers over a two year program (2023-present)
SSU SCUBA CLUB: building the dive community at SSU while providing resources, discounts, and informational seminars to help support diversity, equity, and inclusion within marine science (2023-present)
Seaweed Festival (2024)
KelpFest (2024, 2023)
Doris Duke Conservation Scholars
SSU Biology Department Outreach
Biodiversity Outreach Coordinators: previously Julieta Gómez, María Velázquez, Rachael Karm
Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA)
Director (2020-2021): Alyssa Cooper
The goal of MESA is to increase the number of historically underrepresented students who pursue and persist in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related degrees and careers.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
Our lab holds monthly meetings to focus on DEIJ topics led by student on a rotating basis (see below for previous discussions)
DEIJ topics of past discussion
Sex within Bodies, Evolution’s Rainbow by Joan Roughgarden
Indigenous Prophecies and Mother Earth, by Sherri Mitchell Weh’na Ha’mu’ Kwasset (She Who Brings the Light), J.D. , in All We Can Save by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Dr. Katherine Wilkinson. Sherri Mitchell is also the author of Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change.
"Into the Depths" by National Geographic
Imposter Syndrome
Clance & Imes 1978
Giakoumi et al. 2021